Über uns
FriedensFrauen Weltweit ist eine international tätige feministische Friedensorganisation mit Sitz in Bern.

Unser Netzwerk ist über die ganze Welt verstreut, doch wir fühlen und handeln solidarisch miteinander. Feministische Friedensaktivistinnen zu unterstützen und ihre Arbeit sichtbar zu machen, steht im Mittelpunkt unserer Vision und Praxis. Das Magazin «Feminists Connecting for Peace» ist eine Gemeinschaftsproduktion von Aktivistinnen aus unserem globalen Netzwerk. Die erste Ausgabe befasst sich mit dem Thema Entmilitarisierung.
Das Magazin wird auf Englisch publiziert.
Dear readers
We are excited to launch our very first "Feminists Connecting for Peace" magazine! If you are reading this, chances are that you already consider yourself a part of our global network of feminist peace activists. If not, you are still welcome: we are happy to meet you!
Our network is spread out across the world: together we work on projects and organise webinars, face-to-face meetings, and campaigns. Most importantly – we feel and act in solidarity with each other.
Supporting feminist peacebuilders and making their work visible is at the core of PeaceWomen Across the Globes’ vision and practice. The "Feminists Connecting for Peace" magazine is a co-creation of activists from our global network. They share their work and experiences in articles and interviews. Thank you to everyone who contributed and to all who will contribute to it in the future!
For the first issue of the magazine, we chose to focus on the topic of demilitarization, because countless people are affected by war and violence or suffer from oppression and colonial politics. As a form of patriarchal violence, militarization continues to impact the lives of many women, men, and children. But the people, from Ukraine to Palestine, from Afghanistan to Colombia, are resisting. Feminists worldwide are working tirelessly for peace and against war and violence. They work towards making life in their communities secure, in a way that goes far beyond the military’s concept of “security”. This magazine is a collection of articles that reflect the diversity of our network and our partners’ approaches to counter militarization. You will find feminist analyses, critical responses, and stories of resistance to militarization.
Our network and this magazine are platforms for sharing diverse experiences. We hope that by writing and reading the articles and commenting on them, the magazine will benefit all of us, by deepening our knowledge and sharing it in feminist circles and beyond.
As we are writing this, the war in Ukraine is raging. Cries for increased militarization are becoming louder throughout Europe, while voices for peace without the use of military force are suppressed or deemed naïve and ignorant. Fewer and fewer people want to listen to such voices. Feminists, on the other hand, are not deterred, our voices are getting louder - in the public space, in networks and in politics.
More than ever, this is the time to question and contest violence and appeal for peace.
We hope you will find the contents of this magazine interesting and motivating!