Women sustaining peace in Colombia, Nepal and the Philippines

Philippines tj conference event

Dealing with the past, transforming the present, summiting the future

For more than a decade PeaceWomen Across the Globe has been working in close partnership with three organisations in Colombia, Nepal and the Philippines. What these countries have in common: They have formally ended armed conflicts, but there is still no peace. Women peacebuilders from these countries will share their achievements and insights on sustaining the peace momentum during transitional justice processes and preventing backsliding into armed conflict. Join us to find out what applicable lessons can be drawn from these three contexts.

Colombia formally signed a peace agreement with FARC-EP in 2016 and is continuing negotiations with ELN and other armed groups – peace remains elusive for many of its population. Nepal’s peace agreement was signed in 2006. Eighteen years later, the implementation of the agreement remains fragile. In the Philippines, a decade has passed since the signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro. Despite the successful inclusion of feminist perspectives in transitional justice processes, challenges remain. What is needed to make these processes understood as a national and not just a regional opportunity?

In each country, women activists played and continue to play a significant role in peacebuilding. At this event we will draw on their vast experiences to identify the key factors that can positively impact peacebuilding efforts after a conflict with an armed group has formally ended. We will also discuss the critical role feminist peacebuilding plays in preventing backsliding into renewed armed violence.

We invite the audience to explore with the speakers what it takes to sustain continuous peace efforts, build positive agency, and maintain the focus on the ultimate goal — a genuinely peaceful world.


Die Veranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt, mit Übersetzung ins und aus dem Spanischen.

Moderation: Deborah Schibler, Geschäftsleiterin PeaceWomen Across the Globe


Wann: 17-19 Uhr, Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2024, mit Apéro im Anschluss.

Wo: Kulturpunkt PROGR, EG-West 009, Speichergasse 4, Bern, Schweiz

Anmeldung: Die Anzahl Plätze ist beschränkt. Melden Sie sich bitte bis zum 14. Oktober 2024 an. Schreiben Sie an: info@1000peacewomen.org (Betreffzeile: “Panel discussion”).

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