We must develop a new system of living together, where one can learn to live in peace in an elementary way.
Sabine Lichtenfels is a peace activist in the Middle East and a co-founder of the model peace village Tamera in Portugal. Tamera, located on 330 acres of land in the south of Portugal, about 20 kilometers from the west coast, is a research settlement where the most important themes of a new, sustainable culture concept are developed. For the last 27 years Sabine has been working together with a sociologist on the “Healing Biotope 1 Tamera.” The main focus of her political work is on training youth and on peace work in the Middle East.
“Find forms of living together that are no longer directed against life and love! Develop models for the peaceful co-existence of all beings! Develop pilot models for the answers to the burning questions of our time!” The theologian, peace activist, and author Sabine Lichtenfels has been following this imperative for 27 years. Her special focus is on the connection between outer networking and peace work, the creation of real alternatives and inner, human peace work.
Ten years ago she began the establishment of Tamera, the first healing biotope, in Portugal. Today, around 100 people are working here to create a self-sufficient solar energy settlement – a functioning life model as an example of a self-sufficient community for a nonviolent future civilization. Here, peace camps are held with participants from all parts of the world. A healing biotope is also being planned in the Middle East, and Palestinians and Israelis will be participating in this venture. “If we develop new life models in the areas of love, raising children, medicine, and ecology and succeed in creating systems of trust that are free of fear, then these models can be used in other places. They become contagious and have a healing effect. Still today, this idea empowers me.”
Sabine Lichtenfels is especially committed to the younger generation, and she provides youth with orientation that protects them against resignation and feelings of powerlessness. To do this, she undertakes peace actions, pilgrimages and street retreats, political theater tours and study trips, for example to the Todas people of India, who have retained deep knowledge about how to care for nature. In the Mirja School of Peace in Tamera young people are trained as “peace workers” in preparation for carrying out missions in conflict areas, working with conflict resolution, and the establishment of future communities.
Tamera Peace Village