My passions are women and peace.
Rebecca Johnson is a feminist, peace activist and citizen diplomat, whose work on disarmament negotiations prompted government diplomats in 1996 to call her ‘civil society’s ambassador’. While living at the Greenham Women’s Peace Camp (1982-87), she co-founded the Aldermaston Women’s Camp(aign) in 1985, extending the resistance to US and Soviet nuclear weapons to the UK nuclear programme and Trident. She currently directs the Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy and is a member of the international steering group of Global Action to Prevent War.
Rebecca Johnson, despite some health difficulties, always sets off on missions of peace promotion, consolidating negotiations for nuclear disarmament. Although she is no longer at risk of imprisonment, she still constitutes a key threat to US and British nuclear ambitions due to her relentless anti-nuclear campaigns. She diligently puts peace and welfare of humanity on the top of her life-long agenda, sharing information with other concerned individuals, regional and international bodies, in order to combat the nuclear strategies. She is acclaimed for her superior diplomatic skills, which she uses in the service of all humankind by pushing for the prevention of nuclear war and an end to the nuclear armament race.
Women in Black (WiB) Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy Global Action to Prevent War