The methodology of active public education, with a deep understanding and respect for Shona and Ndebele cultures, has benefited the program.”
Netsai Mushonga was born in 1969 in Bindura, Zimbabwe. She is a media coordinator of Women’s Coalition and a member of the International Committee of International Fellowship. In 1995, Netsai worked as a social worker for Danhiko, an NGO providing education and job training for young people with disabilities. In 1996, Netsai joined the Fellowship of Reconciliation in Zimbabwe, and in 1997 she started the women peacemakers program of For/z. She secured funding to raise awareness within churches on the need to confront gender violence.
Netsai was born in rural Zimbabwe, the fourth in a family of eight children. She graduated from the University of Zimbabwe with BA in sociology. After she had started the women peacemakers program of For/z in 1997, she secured funding to raise awareness within churches on the need to confront gender violence. Beginning in 2000, she volunteered as an election monitor and supervisor, despite the risk of physical violence and political intimidation. She joined the Women's Coalition in 2003 and developed a program to respond to politically motivated sexual violence against women and girls in Zimbabwe. With her good organization skills she run a regional consultation conference of African women in conflict situations. She has organized and conducted many training workshops in Zimbabwe and within and outside Africa focusing on gender and violence.
Her fearless speaking out about the deteriorating political conditions and lack of security for women in Zimbabwe has inspired others. Victims of sexual violence have benefited from her work in concrete ways. The Danhiko project has an emergency shelter to accommodate women victims of violence. Its programs include counseling, economic and emotional support.
Netsai says, “I have benefited more from the work I do than the women I have come across, because they have taught me survival skills in dignity.” This is a modest statement typical of her.
Fellowship of Reconciliation Zimbabwe (For/z)