I will focus on building a democratic culture where everyone can contribute to national development. Education and an improved economic situation will create better lives for everyone.
Florentine Ramambasoa, a 66-year-old widow from Antananarivo, Madagascar, has worked as a member of various organizations since 1967. She recently became the national coordinator of DRV, a coalition of women associations which focuses on the rehabilitation of women, human rights, women’s rights, gender, ecumenism, and reproductive health. Florentine directly contacts beneficiaries, mediates and uses participatory management in her work. She also lobbies decision makers to raise awareness and funds. Colleagues who work in family planning associations around Africa emulate her.
Since 1967 Florentine Ramambasoa, 66, from Antananarivo, Madagascar, has worked as a member of various organizations concerned with women’s rehabilitation, gender, and human rights, specifically women’s rights, ecumenism and reproductive health. She recently became the national coordinator of DRV, the umbrella body for women’s associations in Madagascar. Florentine was awarded the International Planned Parenthood Federation Merit Certificate in recognition of her notable service to the family planning cause in Africa. She is a founder member of the Association For The Well Being Of The Family And The Health Of The Mother (Fisa). In the last three decades the socio-economic and political situation in Madagascar has gradually deteriorated, raising poverty levels, creating tension and conflict. To address these issues, several NGOs, under DRV, focus on sensitizing leaders and the general public on the need to promote peace and justice. This motivated other NGOs to regroup under a common platform to raise public awareness on the environment, globalization and gender, and ensure that coordinated political and strategic development is realized. Mrs Ramambasoa’s work ethic involves direct contact with beneficiaries, with whom she espouses a participatory approach. She believes in their direct involvement in project planning and implementation. In addition, she vigorously lobbies decision makers in order to raise awareness and funds. Colleagues who manage family planning associations around Africa emulate her approach. Her success is largely due to her family and her relations with the state and international funding organizations such as Usaid, Cooperation Française, Foundation Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and other partners. She has embarked on an ecumenical project, which seeks to promote better understanding between religious denominations.
Women National Council Association For The Well Being Of The Family And The Health Of The Mother (Fisa)