My motto is: 'If My people will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear them and will forgive their sin and heal their land'.
Street children benefit from Béatrice Bobo’s care, stop taking drugs and are freed from sex slavery, before returning to their homes. Since 1997, this 39-year-old single mother has been raising three children, a niece and sheltering street children in her house, where she founded an evangelical mission. She does all her work at an individual level through counseling and intercession, door-to-door visits, audiovisual media and public speaking. She also reaches out and evangelizes to the political authorities in the Central Africa Republic.
Béatrice Félicité Bobo, a successful businesswoman, was defrauded of her business and no hope was left of recovering it. One day she met street children and heard God speaking to her, "Tell them about Jesus." She later discovered that in the capital, Bangui, an estimated 300,000 street children, some only five years old, lead a hand-to-mouth existence and some are caught in drugs and crime. She meets and listens to them, teaching them the ways of God. More than 400 street children have been reunited with their families or have found surrogate parents. She develops revenue-generating initiatives to help the children meet their needs. She sensitizes local churches to the children’s plight and some come to her aid. Often, there are donations for the street children, but few to meet the constant basic needs for food, clothing and medicine, and none for her accumulated bills. Since her country is torn apart by war, corruption and ethnic conflict, she unites women from every status, regularly holding conferences and rallies to pray and work for national reconciliation and peace. Béatrice has had audiences with the prime minister and other government officials, who expressed solidarity with her and declared a period of prayer and fasting for the entire nation. Her vision of a peaceful future centers on all people heartedly returning to God.
Mission d'Evangélisation pour la Repetance (MER) Ouvre Socio - Humanitaire en Faveur des Enfants de la Rue (OSHFER)