About us
PeaceWomen Across the Globe is an internationally active feminist peace organisation based in Bern.

We take a public stand on peace-related events and issues, together with like-minded organisations or in solidarity with members of our global network Feminists Connecting for Peace. We also participate in consultations. Our feminist understanding of peace and the focus on women’s and human rights are central to this political work.
Call for cessation of violence and support for peace activists
Appeal for the protection of Belarusian human rights activist Olga Karatch (July 2024)
Statement on UNRWA (November 2024)
Petition for UN aid and ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, co-signer (April 2024)
Statement on Israel and Gaza (March 2024)
Letter to the Federal Council on NGO funding in Israel and Palestine, co-signer (November 2023)
Statement on the escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza (October 2023)
Collection of contributions on the topic of sexualised violence in the Israel-Palestine conflict
Strengthen women’s networks for peace (September 2023)
"Call for solidarity with the women-led protests in Iran and for concrete support measures" (October 2022)
Open letter to Federal Councillor Cassis on the Ukraine Conference (June 2023)
«One year war of aggression against Ukraine» (February 2023)
«Appeal for peace and demilitarisation» (German, March 2022)
«Appeal for the de-escalation of the conflict in Ukraine», co-signer (German, January 2022)
«Appeal for peace in Europe» (January 2022)
«Stop this war in Donbas/s!» (December 2021)
«Women in Afghanistan are at great risk: We call on the Federal Council and the international community to act» (German, August 2021)
«Appeal for the protection of women, girls and LGBTIQ+ persons from Afghanistan», co-signer (German, August 2021)
«Guarantee women’s livelihoods now” (April 2020)
«Institute ceasefires and end all armed conflicts now» (April 2020)
«End the twin pandemics: coronavirus and violence against women» (April 2020)