
The International Office in Bern is responsible for the operational implementation of all our activities. The team plans, manages and implements our worldwide activities in close cooperation with our partner organisations abroad.

This includes the peacebuilding programmes, which are mainly implemented in fragile and conflict-affected countries and regions. In addition, the team coordinates and moderates the international network of peace and women's rights activists and engages in political advocacy on feminist and peace policy issues.

Camille Bernheim

Since her youth, Camille Bernheim has been committed to a peaceful and inclusive society. She has been working as a programme assistant at PeaceWomen Across the Globe since July 2023. Before that, she contributed to the social inclusion of refugees at the Asylum Organization Zurich (AOZ). Other positions included a traineeship in the Peace and Human Rights Division of the Swiss Foreign Ministry (FDFA), where she supported the coordination of peace projects in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa). At swisspeace, she conducted research in a project on transitional justice in Colombia, South Africa and Germany as part of her Master’s program. Camille Bernheim holds a Master of Arts in "Changing Societies: Conflicts - Migration - Resources" from the University of Basel.

Caroline Morrissey
Translation and editing

Caroline Morrissey’s background is in cultural relations; she was Director of the British Council in Switzerland for over 30 years. She has an Honours degree in Education and has more than 25 years' experience initiating, developing and delivering programmes in Switzerland and elsewhere, in areas such as education, the arts, climate change, governance and youth engagement. She also has substantial experience developing and managing networks, and worked with our network from 2015 until 2021. She continues to support our work by translating and editing texts.

Christina Stucky

Christina Stucky began working as a journalist after graduating with a History degree in the USA. She has worked as a reporter on newspapers in the USA and Switzerland and as a freelance journalist in the Czech Republic, where she completed a semester programme in film production at FAMU. In 1994 she began working for national newspapers in South Africa, covering a range of topics and events, including the country’s first democratic elections, the hearings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the genocide in Rwanda. From 2000-2002 she was the southern Africa correspondent for the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung. In South Africa she began working as a trainer, running workshops for journalists from sub-Saharan Africa and later communication and media workshops for NGOs. After returning to Switzerland in 2007, she conceptualised communication workshops for the local staff of the Swiss Cooperation Offices of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). From 2007-2017 she worked in different communication roles at the SDC and FDFA in Bern. She joined PeaceWomen Across the Globe as communications manager in May 2019 and continues to work as a journalist, and communication and intercultural competencies trainer.

Deborah Schibler

Deborah Schibler took over the management of PeaceWomen Across the Globe’s the international office on 1 May 2023. Since her youth, she has been committed to a world marked by non-violence, justice and solidarity. After studying law in Fribourg and Dublin and qualifying as a lawyer in Lucerne, she worked as a delegate and coordinator for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in armed conflicts and other situations of violence. She visited prisoners and detainees, worked to protect civilians, re-established contact between family members, and accompanied the families of missing persons. Her work took her to Jordan, Iraq, Madagascar, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama and Costa Rica. From 2019, she was seconded to the Organisation of American States' special mission to the Colombian peace process as member of the Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). For four years, she accompanied the peace efforts in Colombia, ccoordinating projects to promote civil participation, especially of women and young people, and dialogue in regions affected by conflict and violence. She is one of the first members of the Swiss Women in Peace Processes network, founded in 2021. It comprises and networks Swiss women who work for the FDFA, for non-governmental organisations or for international organisations worldwide to promote peace.


Karin Widmer

Karin Widmer worked for the Civil Peace Service (Ziviler Friedensdienst ZFD) in Mindanao in the south of the Philippines for six years until 2021. Together with local peace partners, mainly from civil society, she contributed to an inclusive and just peace. Previously, Karin Widmer spent seven years at the Swiss section of Amnesty International as Youth Coordinator and Human Rights Education Coordinator. She holds a licentiate (equivalent to Master of Arts) in Cultural Anthropology, which she combined with Sustainability Studies and International Law. She is a passionate advocate for inclusion, justice and participation. She loves to spend her free time in the mountains and with her family. She started working for PeaceWomen Across the Globe as senior programme manager in August 2022.

Larissa Mina Lee

Larissa Mina Lee has a Master's degree in Development Studies and during her studies worked in communications at Sage und Schreibe, a small but excellent publishing house in Bern. Before that, she did internships at Peace Brigades International and at foraus, the Swiss think tank for foreign policy. Since her youth, she has been committed to peace, justice and participation, including as a delegate in the 2015 Youth Session and the 2021 Women's Session in Switzerland, and volunteering with various organisations in the areas of human rights, sexual health and democracy. She started working as a programme assistant for PeaceWomen Across the Globe in September 2023.

Nadine Schindler
Finance and Administration

Nadine Schindler joined PeaceWomen Across the Globe in 2023 as a finance and administration specialist and is very happy to be part of the motivated team.

Nadine has been working in the administrative field for 25 years and has profound knowledge in accounting, personnel administration, secretarial management and event organisation. She has worked in various NGOs, including the GründerZentrum Bern, the association Neue Arbeitsplätze für Könizer*innen and most recently the Dingle Hub in Ireland.

Nadine returned to Switzerland in spring 2023, swimming in local waters again instead of the wild Atlantic Ocean.

Nathalie Schmidhauser
Network and Advocacy

Nathalie Schmidhauser worked as a political attaché for the Swiss embassies in the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Iraq from 2012-2014. From 2014-2017, she worked as a programme officer for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in the Gaza Strip and headed the UNRWA Communications with Communities team. Back in Jordan, she worked as a communications officer for CARE International from 2018-2019 and later as a protection officer in the field of durable solutions for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). She returned to Switzerland in 2019 and worked as a project manager for FIZ Fachstelle Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration in Zurich and for ProCoRe, the national network for the rights of sex workers. As a journalist, she also regularly wrote articles for the weekly newspaper WOZ.

Nathalie studied journalism in Chile, political science and German literature in Zurich and holds a Master's degree in "Conflict Resolution in Divided Societies" from King's College London. She has completed numerous training courses in the fields of humanitarian diplomacy and negotiation, sexualised and gender-based violence ("SGBV in emergencies"), political work, international law and child protection. She joined PeaceWomen Across the Globe as programme manager Network and Advocacy in June 2024.