Funding Partners:

Our Funding Partners

The valuable support of our funding partners makes our impactful peace work with our partners possible. We thank you for your trust and commitment.

Public sector

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (Peace and Human Rights Division and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation)

Basel Commission for Development Cooperation

Lottery Fund Schaffhausen

Municipality of Riehen

Foundations, organisations, institutions

Anne Frank Fonds

Däster Schild Foundation

Dr. Ernst-Günther Bröder Foundation

Fokus Frauen

Fondation genevoise de bienfaisance "Valeria Rossi di Montelera"

Fondation Smartpeace

Evangelical Women of Switzerland World Day of Prayer Collection

MAIORES Foundation (Vaduz)

Maya Behn-Eschenburg

SAUERTEIG Fonds des Werkes der Frohbotschaft Batschuns

Scarlatti Foundation

Foundation Corymbo                              

Mutter Bernarda Foundation

The Wyss Foundation


Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirchen Nidwalden

Reformierte Kirchen Worb

Reformed Church of Zug

Römisch-katholische Kirchgemeinde Münsingen

Römisch-katholische Gesamtkirchgemeinde Bern und Umgebung

World Day of Prayer (Weltgebetstag) Switzerland

We would also like to thank the many other supporters of our peace work.