Statement on UNRWA

Following the adoption of two bills by Israel’s parliament on 28 October 2024, UNRWA is threatened with having to cease its operations (humanitarian, medical and educational) in the West Bank and Gaza by the end of the year. At a time when the conflict in Gaza has already claimed tens of thousands of victims, no other humanitarian organisation or authority can take on UNRWA's tasks in Gaza. Hindering the agency's work jeopardises the entire aid operation for Palestinian victims in Gaza, as all other organisations (UN and international and national NGOs) use UNRWA's logistical and administrative systems.

Given the absence of a political solution, the continuing occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and particularly amidst the current hostilities, UNRWA’s essential services are vital to the survival of thousands of Palestinians. PeaceWomen Across the Globe calls on

  • Israel to desist from criminalising UNRWA's activities.

  • Switzerland not to go through with the proposed funding cuts to UNWRA and to continue supporting UNRWA. 

  • on the parties involved to honour their responsibilities under international law and cease hostilities and engage in the processes needed for meaningful and inclusive peace negotiations. PeaceWomen Across the Globe stresses that the meaningful participation of women at all stages of a peace process is essential to its success and sustainability.

The statement is available in English, German and French.

Statement UNWRA EN DE FR_November 2024 331.1 KB, PDF