We are the growing international network for women's participation in peacebuilding.

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Appeal for the protection of Belarusian human rights activist Olga Karatch

We and our network partners call for the protection of Belarusian human rights defender Olga Karatch, who has been sentenced to 12 years in prison and fine in Belarus. Lithuania is denying her asylum. We call for the respect of international human rights standards.

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New instrument: Women's influence on peace processes

In a graphic representation of the different stages of peace processes, we place the role of women at the centre. It shows where they exert influence to drive the peace process and prevent setbacks.

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Interview in à propos: Cameroon: role of youth in peacebuilding

Caryn Dasah is campaigning for peace and social justice in a country that is experiencing an armed conflict that has received little global attention: the Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon. In this interview, she talks about the risks that young people take in their quest for peace.

Mehr lesen Caryn Dasah (links im Bild) ist als Friedensaktivistin in der Anglophonen Krise in Kamerun tätig

Intergenerational Women's Peace Table: Shared pain and shared demands in Nepal

Despite the peace agreement, there can be little talk of peace in Nepal. The incomplete implementation of the agreement has intergenerational consequences for those affected by the conflict. At a Women's Peace Table, two generations shared their stories and presented their demands to the government..

Mehr lesen Teilnehmer:innen sprechen über ihre Kriegserfahrung an einem intergenerationellen FrauenFriedensTisch

Civil society priorities on Women, Peace and Security: For a safe and peaceful Switzerland and world for all

Swiss civil society's report contains recommendations for the 5th National Action Plan for Switzerland's implementation of the UN Resolution 1325 on "Women, Peace and Security".

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New tenant wanted: Office near Bern station

We are looking for a new tenant for our office in Bern as of 1 November 2024. Contact us if you would like to visit our office!

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Our topics

Feminist peace policy

Peace is more than the absence of war. Patriarchal power relations, structural violence and physical or psychological violence against women block the path to lasting peace. This is why we engage in peacebuilding with a feminist, intersectional perspective. And because we have a comprehensive understanding of peace.

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Women, Peace and Security

Women's rights are human rights. We work to ensure that core human rights standards are respected in conflict-affected regions too. Our work is based on the UN’s "Women, Peace and Security" agenda.

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Peace processes

Women's access to peace and conflict transformation processes is severely limited. However, peace processes offer critical windows of opportunity for the recognition of women's rights and for the elimination of discriminatory social structures and gender norms. Women and marginalised groups must therefore play an active role in peace processes.

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Gender-based violence

Gender-based violence is one of the most common human rights violations worldwide. Particularly in conflict-affected contexts, violence against women increases in all its forms. Gender-based violence is a major obstacle to gender justice and lasting peace.

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Militarisation means more than "just" spending on armed forces: this spending is the consequence of a security policy geared towards war. As a feminist peace organisation, we oppose the claim that more weapons lead to more security. We demand demilitarisation and disarmament because that is the only way to achieve genuine peace and comprehensive security.

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