Content tagged with: Network

Publications and multimedia

Through our publications and multimedia products you can learn more about the focal areas of our work, about our projects, programmes and political work, and about the activities of the members of our global network Feminists Connecting for Peace.


From policy briefs and reports to contributions by activists in the Feminists Connecting for Peace network to the biographies of the 1000 PeaceWomen: our publications provide an insight into our political and project work and into the activities in our global network.

Editorial: What does security mean to you?

"Feminist Connecting for Peace" magazine 2

What does security mean to you? Which people, places, sounds and senses make you feel safe? What is threatening your safety? These questions are central in discussions within our global network of feminist peace activists. Therefore, we chose to focus on safety and security for this second edition of the «Feminists Connecting for Peace» magazine.

Editorial: Making the work of feminist peacebuilders visible

Launch of the new magazine

Our network is spread out across the world, yet we feel and act in solidarity with each other. Supporting feminist peacebuilders and making their work visible is at the core of our vision and practice. The "Feminists Connecting for Peace" magazine is a co-creation of activists from our global network. The first edition focuses on Demilitarization.