On 8th March women’s organisations around the world celebrate International Women’s Day and make their demands for peace and gender equality public. On this occasion, PeaceWomen Across the Globe (PWAG) – together with its worldwide network of peace activists – launched a workshop series on feminist peace politics, disarmament and demilitarisation. PWAG organises this workshop series with the support of Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom (WILPF).
The first issue is out! Read articles on the topic of "demilitarisation" by members of our network Feminists Connecting for Peace, among others from Guam, Indonesia, Ukraine and Kosovo.
In the Annual Report 2022, you will learn everything important about our work in the past year - and why feminist visions of peace were put to a tough test.
The second issue focuses on the topic of "security". What does security mean from a feminist perspective? How does this understanding conflict with a military understanding of security? Read the nine contributions from our network.
Caryn Dasah (left in the picture), a peace activist from our global network Feminists Connecting for Peace, is campaigning for peace and social justice in a country that is experiencing a globally neglected armed conflict: the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon. In this interview, she talks about the risks that young people like her take in their commitment to peace and justice.