Magazine:Launch of our "Feminists Connecting for Peace"-Magazine
Our publication "Feminists Connecting for Peace" offers a platform to activists from our network to share and exchange their experiences and analyses on an annually changing topic.
The first issue deals with the subject of demilitarisation, with contributions from Indonesia, Kosovo, Switzerland, the USA, Guam, Ukraine, and Germany.
One of the most important lessons: War is just the tip of the iceberg. It is the visible expression of how the political and economic institutions of many countries are organized and are now reorganizing in preparation for war and armed conflict.
— Margo Okazawa-Rey, our International Board member in an interview on genuine security
Feminist Peace Initiatives:Cultural Strategies for Peace and Conflict Resolution on Guam
The NGO I Hagan Famalao'an Guåhan organised an intergenerational exchange between indigenous women and girls on the Pacific island of Guam on the question: How do we resist colonialism and militarism?
Feminist Peace Initiatives:The Human Cost of Palm Oil Plantations in Indonesia
The palm oil industry is the subject of criticism: with the support of the Feminist Peace Initiatives, the Indonesian non-governmental organisation Sawit Watch has investigated the connection between the use of private security personnel and the violation of human and women's rights on oil palm plantations.