On the topic of "demilitarisation": "Feminists Connecting for Peace" 1
The “Feminists Connecting for Peace” magazine showcases the diverse work of our global network.

Making peace processes more gender-sensitive
We demand recognition. We demand our voices to be heard. We demand security. We demand a future for our children. We demand truth. And we demand justice, now!
What role can civil society organisations play in strengthening women's participation in peace processes? How can women's demands be put on the political agenda? These and other questions are addressed in our publication "From transition to transformation. Strengthening women's effective participation in peacebuilding and transitional justice processes: insights from Colombia, Nepal, and the Philippines".
The publication offers practical recommendations for the effective participation of women in peacebuilding and shows how fundamental the networking of activists and conflict-affected women is - even beyond one's own national borders.
The publication is a result of the sharing of knowledge between the partners in Colombia, Nepal and the Philippines, which began in 2019 with a first face-to-face meeting and reached an interim conclusion in 2021 with the joint development of this publication. This knowledge exchange will continue in the project "From exchange to change".
This publication is available in English and Spanish. Watch the online launch of the publication on our YouTube channel (available in English and Spanisch).
From Transition to Transformation_EN
De la transición a la transformación_ES