Content tagged with: Conflict transformation


Promoting dialogue and peace through theatre

Political tensions and economic turmoil in Pakistan are the causes of an increase in insecurity in the country. Ethnic and religious minorities who are marginalised and persecuted and women who experience gender-based violence are particularly affected. Many sink deeper into poverty. Our project partner uses theatre performances to highlight these inequalities, promote dialogue and peace.


For a queer feminist future

* The projects were completed in 2023. Currently, we are not active in Palestine. *

Our work in Palestine counters the increasing social, political and geographical fragmentation of Palestinian society. It supports Palestinian visions for a feminist future marked by justice. With our project partners, we work to bring together and empower women and queer people affected by violence and gender injustice across fragmented and militarised borders, in order to become more aware of and claim their rights.

UN Security Council Resolution 1325

Milestone in feminist peace and security policy

With Resolution 1325 on "Women, Peace and Security", the UN Security Council passed a milestone in feminist peace and security policy. The instrument is central to our work with our project partners, our cooperation partners and with the activists and women's organisations in our worldwide network.

De-escalate the violence in Israel and Gaza


We are horrified by the recent escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza and appalled by the loss of life. We condemn the violent attack by Hamas against the Israeli civilian population in the strongest terms. We also, decidedly, condemn the violence used by Israeli Forces against the Palestinian civilian population. Together with civil society and peace organisations in Israel and Palestine, we call upon all decision-makers there to respect International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and human rights and to protect the civilian populations through all available means. This includes, among others, an immediate end to Hamas’ hostage-taking of civilians and to the blockade of Gaza imposed by the Israeli government, cutting the population off, especially from access to water, food, electricity and fuel.