10.09.2024, Ban on nuclear weapons: Why we support the initiative

The danger of nuclear weapons being used is greater than it has been for decades. Russia announced that it would change its nuclear doctrine, i.e. lower the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons. For three years in a row, the nuclear powers have increased investment in their nuclear arsenals. Only a comprehensive ban can bring lasting security worldwide. Nuclear weapons – like armament and militarisation in general – promote armed conflicts. In no way do they contribute to comprehensive security. We are co-sponsors of the Initiative to Ban Nuclear Weapons (“Atomwaffenverbotsinitiative”) because we consistently advocate for global nuclear disarmament and demilitarisation. Switzerland must fulfil its obligations, also within the framework of the UN resolution on “Women, Peace and Security”. We urge you to support the initiative and to contribute to a more secure world.

What it’s about

Switzerland actively participated in the UN negotiations on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and voted in favour of its adoption. Since it came into force in 2021, 93 states have signed it – including Switzerland.

But a signature is not the end of the story. To become a party to the Treaty, the Federal Council must now ratify it. Switzerland is still refusing to take the necessary steps and join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). In 2024, the Federal Council reaffirmed its position that no change of direction is necessary and that accession to the treaty is “not in Switzerland's interests”.

This attitude is implausible and incomprehensible. It contradicts Switzerland's humanitarian tradition and its role as an advocate of human rights – it also runs counter to the wish of Parliament.

What this has to do with the “Women, Peace and Security” agenda

The Federal Council's stance further contradicts the commitments it made when it signed UN Resolution 1325. Switzerland explicitly emphasised its support for the “Women, Peace and Security” (WPS) agenda in its candidacy for the UN Security Council and is a prominent advocate of the WPS agenda.

A centrepiece of this agenda is the equal participation of women in conflict prevention and resolution and in efforts to achieve security and sustainable peace. Disarmament plays a central role in this. Peace activists around the world cite disarmament and arms control as the main goals of the WPS agenda. This is the only way to achieve sustainable peace and comprehensive security.

Switzerland must commit to the WPS agenda in both its foreign and domestic policy and take appropriate measures. This is one of Swiss civil society’s main concerns, as stated in its report on Switzerland's implementation of UN Resolution 1325 published in April 2024. Switzerland is already actively committed to implementing the WPS agenda in its foreign policy. Now it must also consistently adopt and implement domestic policy measures. Joining the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons would be a significant step in this direction.

What you can do

The Initiative to Ban Nuclear Weapons was launched 2 July 2024. Within a few months, more than 15,000 signatures were collected. We need 100,000, which is why we are calling on our supporters to join us.

  • Send a signal. With your signature, you are standing up for a ban on nuclear weapons and letting the Federal Council know that it must join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Sign here and share the link with your friends and acquaintances (website in German, French and Italian; only those eligible to vote in Switzerland may sign).

  • Help us. The Alliance for a Ban on Nuclear Weapons, to which we also belong, would like to place an advert in the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper and enclose signature forms – and thus reach 85,000 subscribers. This will cost money. The Alliance hopes to raise the necessary CHF 25,000 by the end of September 2024. Support this campaign with a donation!

  • Find out more. Read the report on the implementation of the WPS agenda in Switzerland and find out what priorities Swiss civil society is setting for implementation at home and abroad.

We thank you on our behalf and on behalf of the Alliance for a Ban on Nuclear Weapons for supporting this important initiative and for your commitment to a sustainably peaceful world!

Important notice

The Alliance for a Ban on Nuclear Weapons does not pay companies or individuals to collect signatures for the Initiative to Ban Nuclear Weapons. Only committed volunteers who care about our cause collect signatures for the initiative.

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