
Demands on the Swiss Federal Council and international community: Ukraine appeal: 1 year war of aggression

One year after the start of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, there are no signs of a ceasefire, let alone peace. Every day the casualty numbers rise and the suffering increases. On the occasion of the anniversary of the attack, we make demands in a renewed appeal, with a special focus on the participation and protection of women.

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Welcome to the new website

The new website offers us more opportunities to present our core issues, our programme and our political work with our partners in Switzerland and abroad. What remains unchanged, even with the new website, is our commitment to a feminist vision of peace, to the participation of women in peace processes and our striving for a world in which all people experience genuine security. Dive in!

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Peace work in Ukraine

Even before the Russian war of aggression, women in eastern Ukraine were barely heard. Our pilot programme, launched in 2021, opened the space for women to discuss issues and formulate demands that would make their everyday lives safer. We are picking up where we left off with the new Women's Platform for Peace.

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Appeal PeaceWomen Across the Globe: Iran: Solidarität mit und konkrete Unterstützung der von Frauen angeführten Proteste

We call on civil society organisations, governments and the international community to back up their statements of solidarity with the women of Iran with concrete action.

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Award ceremony 30.09.2022: Reconciliation Award of the Klaus Jensen Foundation

With the Reconciliation Award 2022, the German Klaus Jensen Foundation for civil conflict transformation honours the commitment of PeaceWomen Across the Globe to women affected by war and armed conflict.

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Presentation, Ilanzer Sommer: "Which way is it to peace?"

Our president Ruth-Gaby Vermot and Annemarie Sancar, programme officer for Ukraine, explored this question in their presentation at the Ilanzer Sommer. One thing is clear: to achieve genuine peace, there is no way forward without women.

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Platform Agenda 2030: Switzerland lives at the world's expense

Switzerland is not on track to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We are living at the expense of the world.

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1. edition of the network magazine: New: "Feminists Connecting for Peace" magazine

The first issue is out! Read articles on the topic of "demilitarisation" by members of our network Feminists Connecting for Peace, among others from Guam, Indonesia, Ukraine and Kosovo.

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