Women's rights are human rights – today this is undisputed. We work to ensure that key human rights standards are also respected in conflict-affected regions. Our work is based on the UN’s "Women, Peace and Security" agenda. Of additional central importance for feminist peace work are the Women's Rights Convention CEDAW, the Beijing Declaration and the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.
Since the signing of the peace agreement in Colombia with the FARC-EP guerillas in 2016, we have been actively supporting the participation of conflict-affected women in its implementation. In our programme, we are committed to ensuring that their experiences and issues are included in the transition to a sustainable, peaceful society.
With Resolution 1325 on "Women, Peace and Security", the UN Security Council passed a milestone in feminist peace and security policy. The instrument is central to our work with our project partners, our cooperation partners and with the activists and women's organisations in our worldwide network.
PeaceWomen Across the Globe is horrified by the unspeakable atrocities committed in this asymetrical war against Gaza. The scale of destruction and loss of human lives is beyond words.
This issue of our newsletter focuses on women peace activists: their insights, experiences and learnings in their daily work for peace. Whether in Sudan, Nepal, Colombia, the Philippines or Switzerland, the articles in this newsletter clearly demonstrate the importance of feminist peace work and its networks for sustainable peace.