Content tagged with: UNO-Resolution 1325

Country programme

With our country programmes, we work on several topics relevant to peace policy topics in conflict-affected regions – flexibly and specific to the context. We expanded the country programmes in 2021 with the aim of a more long-term collaboration with our partners on larger projects that address the issue of security from a feminist perspective.

Campaigns and statements

Together with our network partners and like-minded civil society organisations, we take a public stand on peace-related issues and on violations of women's and human rights, hold decision-makers accountable and raise our voices in solidarity with our partners when they demand compliance with international human rights standards in their countries.

20 Jahre UNO-Resolution «Frauen, Frieden und Sicherheit»: Wer ist sicher?


Die 2000 verabschiedete UNO-Sicherheitsrat-Resolution 1325 zu «Frauen, Frieden und Sicherheit» gilt als Meilenstein der Frauenrechte, weil sie erstmals eine Frauenperspektive auf bewaffnete Konflikte eingenommen und mehr Miteinbezug von Frauen in Friedensprozessen gefordert hat. Die Resolution ist für die Schweiz auch innenpolitisch relevant.

Kein Frieden ohne Care-Arbeit (September 2021)

Media release

On 21 September 2021, the International Day of Peace, three civil society organisations show how Switzerland can realise a feminist vision of peace and why care work is central to this. At an online conference, they will discuss this together with Leymah Gbowee, Nobel Peace Prize laureate from Liberia, and other experts from Switzerland and abroad.