Content tagged with: LGBTIQ

Focus areas

Gender justice, political participation and social inclusion are prerequisites for lasting peace. But too little is being done in peace policy to overcome structural violence, economic and social discrimination. Too little attention is being paid to the special situation of women and girls in armed conflicts and war. As a feminist peace organisation, we work together with our project partners and peace activists from all over the world to promote peace and demilitarisation. In doing so, we strive for structural change and towards peace and gender justice. Our work is based on universally accepted human rights standards and follows a holistic feminist approach.


In our range of multimedia products you can listen to human rights and women's rights activists talk about their lives and work. You can also learn more about our and our partners’ projects and events.

Podcast Mandy Carter USA

"The power of one: for justice and equal rights", Mandy Carter, PeaceWoman and Black lesbian LGBTQ activist, USA (English)