Content tagged with: Civil society


Foundation for gender equality

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), adopted by the United Nations in 1979, forms the basis for the legal and actual equality of women and men. By adopting the Convention, states undertake to take measures to put an end to discrimination against women in all its forms. Together with civil society partners, we work for its implementation in Switzerland.

Istanbul Convention

Against gender-based violence in Europe

The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence – known as the Istanbul Convention – addresses gender-based and domestic violence in Europe and enforces the rights of victims of violence to support and protection. It defines gender-based violence as a human rights violation and a form of discrimination. The Convention entered into force in 2014; Switzerland ratified it in 2017. Civil society plays a significant role in monitoring its implementation.


Political advocacy on referenda and initiatives

We engage in alliances with like-minded organisations in referenda in Switzerland on political proposals and initiatives on issues relevant to our work.

Letter to Federal Councillor on the Ukraine Conference 2023

Letter to Federal Councillor Cassis

On the start of the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023, we ask the head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Ignazio Cassis in an open letter to what extent the commitments of the Women, Peace and Security agenda will be taken into account at the conference. We also express our regret that civil society, especially women's organisations, are not included in this important conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Nein zum Polizeimassnahmen-Gesetz


Am 13. Juni 2021 entscheiden Schweizer Stimmberechtigte über das Polizeimassnahmen-Gesetz. Zusammen mit einem breiten Bündnis von NGOs sagen wir NEIN zu diesem Gesetz. Es fördert nicht Sicherheit, sondern Willkür und es gefährdet die Grundrechte.