Political advocacy on referenda and initiatives
We engage in alliances with like-minded organisations in referenda in Switzerland on political proposals and initiatives on issues relevant to our work.
Political advocacy on referenda and initiatives
We engage in alliances with like-minded organisations in referenda in Switzerland on political proposals and initiatives on issues relevant to our work.
Women, girls and LGBTIQ+ persons urgently need protection from violence by the Taliban regime! We call on the Swiss government to act quickly. (Joint statement with 14 civil society organizations in Switzerland, German.)
The international community has failed Afghanistan – and this is even more true for the women and girls. We call on the Swiss Federal Council and the international community to act to secure their future.
We condemn the eviction of 28 Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem by the Israeli occupation forces. We call for international support to end the forced evictions and support the sovereignty of the Palestinian people.
Das Thema «Verhüllungsverbot» und die anstehende Abstimmung dazu scheint Feminist*innen zu spalten. Wie kommt das? Was würde eine Annahme aus feministischer Sicht bedeuten? Kann eine in der Verfassung festgeschriebene Kleidervorschrift bestehende patriarchalische Strukturen anfechten? Oder ist diese Abstimmung reine Symbolpolitik? FriedensFrauen Weltweit fragt in diesem Text nach den möglichen längerfristigen Folgen einer Annahme der Initiative und den dahinterliegenden Diskursen.