Learning exchange in the Philippines:Hope and inspiration for peace work
It was a special kind of exchange that we were able to organise with our partners in the Philippines in December: at a series of events, two representatives of the Gender Working Group of the Colombian Truth Commission exchanged their experiences with peace activists from the Philippines. Many moments of recognition and understanding emerged from these encounters. Our programme managers Andrea Filippi and Karin Widmer were there.
I am always struck by how meaningful sharing experience across contexts and borders can be. Inspiring each other and passing on hope, beyond measurable indicators, are so important for peace work.
— Programme manager Karin Widmer
The programme was packed: among the events were two public conferences and a Women's Peace Table in the capital region and on Mindanao in the south of the Philippines. The main focus was on the exchange between peace activists from the Philippines and the two women from Colombia.
Remedios Uriana, a Wayuu indigenous woman from the north of Colombia, and Juliana Rodríguez López, from the department of Cauca, were members of the Gender Working Group of the Colombian Truth Commission and are active in the feminist peace movement. The trip took place a few months after the end of the Truth Commission's mandate. The exchange helped her "to look back and realise new things", said Remedios.
For the Filipino partners and participants, the "intense and profound experiences" of the two women from Colombia were an inspiration. They made "the challenges and importance of transitional justice and especially the role of women in these processes clearer and more meaningful", said Karen Tañada, director of our partner organisation, the Gaston Z. Ortigas Peace Institute (GZOPI).
Andrea and Karin share their experiences and insights from this intensive trip:
What were your shared goals?
Karin: We wanted to motivate and inspire women working on transitional justice [TJ] in the Philippines and Colombia. In addition, we wanted to support the recommendations in the report of the Philippine Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Commission TJRC so that they receive more attention and finally are implemented. And, we plan to make the experiences from this trip available to other women working on TJ.
What were the different events and meetings about?
Andrea: They were about learning from each other, exchanging positive and less positive experiences, gaining insights into the work of others and thus inspiration for our own project work. Experts and directly affected people from the Philippines gave us an understanding of the local context. We were able to feel and directly experience their emotions. Using pictures, videos and personal stories, Remedios and Juliana made the years of work, the challenges and successes of the Colombian Truth Commission come alive for us.
Which topics came up more frequently at these events?
Karin: The importance of civil society engagement and active participation in peace processes across categories of difference were confirmed several times. Remedios and Juliana and the actors from the Philippines emphasised the exchange between key persons and those directly affected. This was particularly evident in the experiences of the "listening processes". These focus group discussions were the main method used by the TJRC to listen to those directly affected and to document their testimonies.
Andrea: It was discussed again and again that individual and collective listening are central. The common definition of and search for appropriate local and indigenous terminologies for "transitional justice" were also emphasised. A frequent theme was the intersectional focus of the Colombian Gender Working Group. It was anti-racist from the start, included Afro-Colombian and indigenous perspectives, focused on the experiences of women and queer people, and was as inclusive as possible of all age groups. The importance of this intersectional approach was identified as a perspective that peace activists in the Philippines would like to strengthen.
Did you notice any similarities?
Karin: I am always struck by how meaningful sharing experience across contexts and borders can be. Inspiring each other and passing on hope, beyond measurable indicators, are so important for peace work. On such occasions, the mental and physical strain of processes of coming to terms with the past is often mentioned. The exchange of memories and individual experiences helps with processing. I am fascinated by how these spaces of exchange are shaped by people and by cultural aspects. What connects them in this space and helps them to process the past is the act of sharing.
Andrea: A shared experience is that peace work and dealing with the past require a great deal of stamina. The political will, or unfortunately often the lack of political will to deal with the past, is a reality in many contexts. Therefore, individual as well as collective (self-)care is central to keeping up the long-term strength for peace work.
Which moments do you remember most clearly?
Karin: I remember the Peace Table particularly clearly, because there we could share our experiences and emotions in a protected setting. The participants said they continue to believe in peace and would work to ensure that their daughters do not have to experience what they did. The meaning of "sisterhood" across borders and language barriers has stuck with me. I can still see the intimate and tearful embrace between Yasmin and Bencita, a Muslim and an indigenous peace activist, both of whom have been involved for years as internally displaced persons and as those who have been directly affected.
Andrea: The trip will stay with and nourish me for a long time. I remember many things, especially this Peace Table. It made me feel on an emotional level how important safe spaces are for exchange and for strengthening one another. The personal encounters and connections with so many different people have left a lasting impression on me. Again and again I was struck by how similar our challenges are, despite contextual differences and differences in their extent. We are all confronted with backlash and resistance to inclusive feminisms and processes.
What did the partners from the Philippines highlight?
Karin: They highlighted the implementation of the inclusive and intersectional approach of the Colombian Gender Working Group and their realisation that in the more conservative context in Bangsamoro, it is relevant to make transitional justice and reconciliation gender-responsive. The participants from the Philippines also mentioned promoting intergenerational dialogue: "Today's generation doesn't know what happened yesterday."
What is the next step for our work in the Philippines?
Karin: The current project "Women's Peace Tables in Nepal, Colombia and the Philippines: Strengthening Women's Effective Participation in Conflict Transformation" will last until the end of 2023. We are supporting the GZOPI in its efforts to ensure that the recommendations on transitional justice are implemented. At the Peace Table, participants from the Philippines developed concrete actions and campaign strategies. They were inspired by the experiences from Colombia and integrated them into their plans.
This is an abridged version of the interview. You can find it in full length on our website under News.
Zurück zum Newsletter
Hope and inspiration for peace work:Newsletter 1/2023
This print newsletter reports on the exchange of knowledge and experience between two representatives of the Gender Working Group of the Colombian Truth Commission and peace activists from the Philippines and on the meeting of the "WPS Focal Points Network" in South Africa on the implementation of the UN resolution on "Women, Peace and Security". And you will meet our new director.