Content tagged with: Sexualised violence

Focus areas

Gender justice, political participation and social inclusion are prerequisites for lasting peace. But too little is being done in peace policy to overcome structural violence, economic and social discrimination. Too little attention is being paid to the special situation of women and girls in armed conflicts and war. As a feminist peace organisation, we work together with our project partners and peace activists from all over the world to promote peace and demilitarisation. In doing so, we strive for structural change and towards peace and gender justice. Our work is based on universally accepted human rights standards and follows a holistic feminist approach.

Gender-based violence

Gender-based violence is one of the most common human rights violations worldwide. Particularly in conflict-affected contexts various forms of violence against women and LGBTIQ persons increase. Gender-based violence is a major obstacle on the path to gender justice and lasting peace.


An inclusive process for a sustainable peace

Since the signing of the peace agreement in Colombia, we have been actively supporting the participation of conflict-affected women and marginalised groups in its implementation. Together with our project partners, we are committed to ensuring that their experiences and concerns are included in the transition to a sustainable, peaceful society.


Women demand participation in transitional justice

Women were directly affected by the ten-year conflict in Nepal, many as combatants. Yet, they were effectively excluded from the peace negotiations and their access to transitional justice processes remains severely restricted. With our project, we support conflict-affected women in healing their war traumas, building local networks and gaining access to political decision-makers.


Reintegrating violence-affected women into society

* The projects were completed in 2024. Currently, we are not active in Burundi. *

For decades, Burundi has been rocked by recurring armed conflicts. Women are particularly affected: more than half experience gender-based violence in the course of their lives. The unstable situation in the country increases the physical, social and economic vulnerability of women and girls. We support the healing, social reintegration and economic independence of these women.