Content tagged with: Margo Okazawa-Rey

Invest in comprehensive security for all

Focus: Demilitarisation

Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, there have been calls for rearmament and higher military spending. As a feminist peace organisation, we oppose the claim that more weapons lead to more security. We call for demilitarisation and disarmament, because this is the only way to achieve genuine peace and comprehensive security. Our Board member Margo Okazawa-Rey and our programme and network manager Annemarie Sancar explain why the world is at a crossroads today.

Press review

Here we list articles and media content published in English. For media content that was published in media in German or French, please refer to this page in German.

An important force for feminist peace work

Farewell from the International Board

Margo Okazawa-Rey stepped down from the International Board at the end of March. Our President Ruth-Gaby Vermot thanks her long-time ally for her significant support.