Content tagged with: Women Peace and Security

War in Sudan: how women want to influence the peace process


Negotiations for a ceasefire in Sudan began in Geneva in mid-August. Fifteen Sudanese women also travelled there to demand to be part of the peace processes. In the swissinfo article, Rabab Baldo from our network and our director Deborah Schibler share their insights.

Why we support the initiative

Ban on nuclear weapons

The danger of nuclear weapons being used is greater than it has been for decades. Russia announced that it would change its nuclear doctrine, i.e. lower the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons. For three years in a row, the nuclear powers have increased investment in their nuclear arsenals. Only a comprehensive ban can bring lasting security worldwide. Nuclear weapons – like armament and militarisation in general – promote armed conflicts. In no way do they contribute to comprehensive security.We are co-sponsors of the Initiative to Ban Nuclear Weapons (“Atomwaffenverbotsinitiative”) because we consistently advocate for global nuclear disarmament and demilitarisation. Switzerland must fulfil its obligations, also within the framework of the UN resolution on “Women, Peace and Security”. We urge you to support the initiative and to contribute to a more secure world.