Every child has the right to be secure, confident, and free."
Yuki Ando has combined her artistic talent, compassion for children, and teaching and organizational skills to protect Japan's most vulnerable citizens: its children. She learned about a successful child abuse prevention program called CAP (Child Abuse Prevention), which uses role-play and other activities to teach children of all ages about their fundamental right to live free from emotional and physical violence. She adapted the program for Japan in 1994 and today 160 CAP groups are active throughout the country.
How can children be taught to protect themselves in a country where discussion of sex is taboo? By bringing sex education into the light. By telling stories, drawing pictures, and keeping a sense of humor. Yuki Ando has used her unique talents to make a difference. She had studied child abuse in Canada and understood the extent of the problem. In 1991, she participated in a self-help group of survivors, caseworkers, and scholars in Tokyo. Yuki's interest grew, resulting in the establishment of CAP programs and the Peace Violence Prevention Training Center.
The vision of the Peace Center is to establish a nonviolent society by providing training and workshops on human rights, developing leadership, and communicating support and respect. Children are taught that they have the right to be secure, confident, and free. Role-play allows children and teens to gain skills and to "practice" emotions. Survivors of sexual assault are offered counseling and support, and workshops are also provided for parents and teachers.
Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Peace Violence Prevention Training Center