My work benefits the country, girls, women, the families and all of humanity.”
This grand lady with her engaging style has had a brilliant teaching career in which the main concern always was to contribute to the preparation of younger generations to confront life better. Maïmouna Coulibaly Camara was the first general director of the Center Aoua Keita in Ouolofobougou, in the district of Bamako. The center is specializing in the professional development of female school graduates.
Maïmouna Coulibaly Camara managed the Center Aoua Keita since its creation in 1996 until 2005 with flawless determination and courage. Teaching being her profession, she was and is a person who is ready to honestly serve her country. She was the hope of female graduates, intending for them a better future that assures them professional independence.
Born in Gao (200 kilometers from Bamako), Maïmouna Coulibaly Camara is a secondary school teacher. She has already formed many national bodies exercising various trades: accounting, inspector of customs, management secretary, and administration editor. This calm lady is very attentive to all that happens around her and knows how to welcome people and keep her center alive. In 1996, when the Commissioner for the Promotion of Women proposed her as director of the Center Aoua Keita, very few people paid attention. It was an unknown Madame Coulibaly, ambitious to be useful to her country and orientate her efforts towards the socio-professional improvement of girls that had not had the opportunity to complete their studies. For those in danger of marginalization and prostitution, she wanted to provide assistance, for instance in teaching them sewing or training them for jobs in the hotel business. This suggestion soon was welcomed by young women and their parents.
Coordination des Associations et ONG Feminines du Mali (CAFO) Centre Aoua Keita