My soul cannot bear darkness, does not agree with injustice, meanness, and treachery, I do not want to see suffering women and children.
Dildora Alimbekova (born 1954) is chairperson of the Association of Business Women, helping women to increase their employment and living standards and improve their role in society through the promotion of small entrepreneurship for women. In Uzbekistan, the transition to the market economy is a heavy burden on the people from the socially vulnerable layers of the population – women, children, older persons, and people with disabilities. Dildora’s organization has created 70,000 jobs, 12,000 women passed courses on starting small businesses, and 10,000 unemployed women were employed.
Dildora Alimbekova is the chairperson of the Association of Business Women of Uzbekistan, founded in 1991. Aware of the difficult economic situation of women in Uzbekistan, she decided to share her knowledge and experience with other women to assist them in solving their economic and social problems. In the difficult transition period in Uzbekistan, Dildora devoted her energy and knowledge to the people. “It is important for me to live without wars, revolutions, or dictatorial regimes that separate people from their native land. It is important for all people not to fear for themselves and their children, to live in their native country, favorite city, in their own family, to choose their own work, to be able to think and speak freely,” she says. Over a 14-year period, her organization has created 70,000 new jobs. 12,000 women passed training courses on entrepreneurship and 10,000 unemployed women acquired a new profession.
After the tragic events of 1999, when young extremists organized terrorist actions in Tashkent, Dildora has been giving great attention to the education of young people. She says: “We cannot confine ourselves to taking care of own welfare. I became more convinced of this after that black day of 16 February 1999, when a series of explosions took place in Tashkent. My daughter’s classmate was hurrying to his office with a joyful piece of news – his son was born, when a terrorist bomb broke off his life. Later, I examined the pictures of the terrorists – young men who were contemporaries of those killed. I decided to do my best for our children, who are our future, so that they will not be plunged into the abyss of evil.” It has not been easy. Dildora has had to surmount hindrances and misunderstandings. There were moments of disappointment and pain. However, the main support for Dildora are the grateful eyes of the people she manages to help.
Association of Business Women of Uzbekistan