Priorities of civil society on Women, Peace and Security

Which topics does Swiss civil society prioritise in the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on «Women, Peace and Security»? We addressed this question in an Alliance together with two Swiss peace organisations and through hearings with representatives of civil society organizations. The priorities are laid out in a report that will be launched on 10 June 2024.

In September and November 2023, two public hearings were held with representatives of Swiss civil society and academia to develop recommendations for the 5th Swiss National Action Plan on the implementation of Resolution 1325. Based on these findings, the Alliance, consisting of KOFF swisspeace, Frieda – the feminist peace organisation and PeaceWomen Across the Globe, drafted the report «UN Security Council Resolution on Women, Peace and Security: Civil Society Priorities for the 5th Swiss National Action Plan».

The report is based on a feminist understanding of security. Key points include: the elimination of gender-based violence against women, girls, and queer people and the societal structures that perpetuate this violence and insecurity, as well as the implementation of measures for genuine gender equality in Switzerland and abroad.

We cordially invite you to the launch and presentation of the report. You will have the opportunity to discuss it together with representatives of the Alliance, civil society organisations, and other interested parties. We look forward to an engaging exchange.

Please note: The event will be held in German without translation.

More information

Find out more about the work of the "Alliance for Women, Peace and Security: Bringing the voices of civil society to the WPS agenda" on the civil society report for the 5th NAP.

Read the report "UN Resolution Women, Peace, Security: Civil Society Priorities for the 5th Swiss National Action Plan" and find out more about UN Security Council Resolution 1325.

Earlier and later events

Previous Veranstaltung:

11. Apr 2024 - 12. Apr 2024: IC Forum 2024: "What is peace?"

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