Content tagged with: Gender justice

Podcast: Feminism and Development

In this podcast, our programme manager Andrea Filippi talks to the Oxford Society for International Development about our work for genuine peace and gender justice. With a particular focus on our work with our partners in Colombia, Ukraine and Palestine, she describes how we support women to become active participants in peace processes, thereby helping to shape sustainable peace.
The OxSID is a student-run organisation founded in 2017.
The podcast is available on Apple, Spotify and on the OxSID website.

Women's influence on peace processes

New instrument

What images does the word "peace process" conjure up for you? Do you probably imagine years of negotiations, a ceremony at which the parties to the conflict sign an agreement and shake hands? We have deconstructed this common image and taken an in-depth look at the question: "How do women influence peace processes?" The result is a graphic representation of the different stages of peace processes. With this tool, we put the role of women centre stage and show where they exert influence to drive peace processes and prevent setbacks.